For all the ‘Anna’s of St Gall Catholic Community
December 30, 2024, 9:00 AM

Posted by Chuck Scherl

Today’s Gospel (12/30/2024) introduces us to Anna, the prophetess, who “never left the temple but worshiped day and night with fasting and prayer. Coming forward at that very time, she gave thanks to God and spoke about the child to all who were awaiting the redemption of Jerusalem.”

Anna’s devotion is a beautiful testament to perseverance in faith and the power of prayer. She is often overshadowed in the longer accounts of the Presentation, but today’s Gospel rightly shines a light on her.

The Universalis Liturgy of the Hours for today’s Gospel offers this commentary, which captures Anna’s significance beautifully:

"Anna the prophetess is slightly forgotten in the longer accounts of the Presentation, so it is right that she should have today’s Gospel to herself. Every parish church that is alive has its Annas, who, without necessarily holding any official title, keep the whole thing going; and who, above all (even if invisibly) give it life by their prayers."

This reflection calls to mind the remarkable women of St. Gall Catholic Community. Like Anna, they are the unseen pillars of our parish. Through their tireless prayers, humble service, and steadfast faith, they keep the flame of our community alive and vibrant.

Let us take a moment to honor their quiet but profound contributions.

Father, we thank You for the gift of community and the women of St. Gall,
whose faith and service mirror Anna’s devotion in the temple.
Through their prayers and quiet acts of love,
they sustain and enrich our parish with Your grace.

Bless them abundantly for their dedication,
and inspire us to follow their example
of humility, prayer, and service to others.
May their witness draw us closer to You
as we work together to build Your kingdom on earth.

We offer this prayer through Christ our Lord.


12-31-2024 at 9:10 AM
John Derrig
After reciting the prayer, I thought maybe I would list some of my favorite "St. Gall Anna's":

Top of the list: my wife Wendy.
Personal spiritual advisors: De Imelli, Lori Berry, Carmen Bowman, Sharon Bonas, Malia O'Brien.
And the first few who come to my mind whose service is indespensable: Lety, Lori Berry, Pat Cardinal, Carol Aldax, Ursula McManus, Val Nunes, ... and so many others.
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