Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Delivered By
Fr. Biju Malancheruvil
Delivered On
July 14, 2024 at 8:00 AM
Jesus sent his disciples out two by two. Now it's our turn.

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07-15-2024 at 2:29 PM
John Derrig
I enjoyed Fr. Biju's discussion about fruit. "We all bare fruit," (I know I am quoting Fri. Biju loosely here) "But just think how boring it would be if we were all apples!"

This different fruit idea got me thinking: 'Sure I like apples. But what about bananas? Grapefruit? Even pomegranates?!'

I think this vast assortment of fruits is what makes belonging to the St. Gall Community so spontaneous, energizing, and "tasty".
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