Office for the Dead
Office of the Dead celebrated Via Zoom on the first liturgically appropriate day of each month in memory of the deceased of our parish. The Office for the Dead is used to optionally replace the normally scheduled prayers of Liturgy of the Hours when the liturgical rules permit it. Those who have died during the past year will be specifically mentioned as part of the Office for the Dead.
If you have family or friend that you would like to have specifically in mentioned in thes prayer, please email them to Chuck Scherl at
To participate simply go to website, and click on the link for Liturgy of the Hours on the home page.
The monthly schedule is posted on the St Gall's Calendar and will be held as follows:
5:00AM Vigils/Office of Readings
9:00AM Lauds/Morning Prayer
7:00PM Vespers/Evening Prayer and Compline/Night Prayer
Click for the text of the Office for the Dead for each Hour.