Music Ministry

Music Director: Anne Goldy

The Music Director for the St. Gall Catholic Community is Anne Goldy.

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Traditional Choir

[Insert photo of choir here]

The traditional choir provides music for the 4 p.m. Saturday Mass and the 8 and 10 a.m. Sunday Masses.

Music Director Anne Goldy
Accompianist Rebecca Perez Walker
Vocalists [Choir members added here]

Contact person:  Anne Goldy, (775)527-7786

Contemporary Choir

The contemporary choir provides music for the 10 a.m. Mass on the last Sunday of each month.  This music supports the Family Mass and Funday Sunday event sponsored by St. Gall Religious Education.

Guitar and vocals Billy Gilkerson and Dr. David James
Keyboard Rebecca Perez Walker
Clarinet Tony Chieffo
Precussion Camille Munguia
Special Arrangements Corky Goldade 
Vocalists Ryan Olson, Corky Goldade, Arcadia Guzman, Malia Taylor, Marian Vassar, Laarni, John Derrig, Rich Ridley, Maggie Royce, Abraham & Miguel Fuentes, Antonio Fuentes, Jr, Jobie Brooks, Karen Hall, Jeanne Therese, Chuck Scherl, Anita Marinelli, Rose Michelle, Pat Wilhite, Wendy Derrig, Susan Gaestel

Contact person:  Wendy Derrig, (775)720-3962