Our Blessed Mother's Rosary Makers
February 21, 2023, 3:00 PM

Posted by Sharon Hennessy-Bonas, coordinator of Our Blessed Mother's Rosary Makers

Dear Parish Family,

It has been awhile since Our Blessed Mother’s Rosary Making Ministry has updated you on our ministry. As of September, we’ve been meeting the second Wednesday of the month in Faith/Genesis to share, bring in made rosaries, and to pick up supplies. We currently have 34 rosary makers, most living here, but with a sprinkling of makers in Southern California, and Las Vegas.

20,041 rosaries were made and shipped during the year 2022. For the year, 2023, as of this February, 5068 rosaries have been made and shipped to India and Africa. Unfortunately the United States Post Office increased their rates on January 23, 2023. Shipping a box to Africa now costs $132.05. Shipping a box to India now costs $121.30. The request for rosaries from these countries is always increasing. The needs of those in the Third World Countries are serious and heartfelt.

The following is a letter received from a missionary doing work in Africa:

“Our needs in our missionary work are still great. We kindly request you to send us as many rosaries as you can as we have many refugees who need rosaries badly. Nowadays, they come almost every day to check with a hope of getting some rosaries. We shall be very grateful.

I apologize for taking so long to write because I have been very sick with malaria fever spending over 5 months in the hospital. Many people in our village have died from malaria. Also there is an outbreak of Ebola Sudan Virus. Many people have been infected and many people have died including some doctors. Kindly pray for us that the Lord spare us from this deadly virus. We are very much worried but prayer on the rosary helps. Please pray that God may give us the strength to endure our hardships.” Kwebiiha.

Please consider joining our ministry. We will provide you with everything you need. We primarily make rosaries at home at our convenience. There is never any pressure to make. Some make a few, while others enjoy making more. Every rosary is important to the one praying on it to Our Dear Blessed Mother with the hope of her intercession to Her Son for their needs. The world is desperately in need of prayer.

Since our ministry began in 2007, we have made and distributed 319,158 rosaries.

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