Reflections After My First Eucharistic Revival Session
February 16, 2023, 12:00 PM

Posted by John Derrig

I attended my first Eucharistic Revival Session this past Tuesday. I found the session enlivening and uplifting. I have a couple observations:

We have talented Catechists here at St. Gall

Like many ordinary parishioners, I tend to forget about our St. Gall Catechists. Deacon David O’Connor and Lori Berry are RCIA Catechists and they led our session. They are knowledgeable about our Catholic faith, are articulate teachers, and have a deep spirituality. I was surprised and impressed.

I suspect these Catechists are already very busy but it seems a shame that parishioners like me can’t have more access to their talents. I suggest that our Catechists (both RCIA and RE) are a hidden treasure within our community.

How could we have more time for focus questions?

I deliberately chose the Tuesday revival session because I hoped these sessions would be smaller and more intimate. Our group contained a few of my friends but many others I do not yet know. I am sure these folks have valuable ideas and stories to share which would benefit me.

The study guide used for our sessions, “The Meaning of the Mass” by Bishop Mueggenborg, contains 7 sections. The end of each section is a whole page of focus questions. I was a bit disappointed that we did not have time to discuss some of these focus questions.

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